Monday, November 12, 2018


This is something I have been teaching, living and sharing.....D.O.T.I.....Don't Over Think It. 

Our mind's ability to engage in stinkin thinkin will sabotage every effort we make and every effort our loved ones make in the "making the positive happen" arena. I know folks struggle with stinkin thinkin...we all do to some level or another but it's how we cope and rise above to keep on keeping on that really matters. 

Every day is a fight with the little voices in our heads that say we are not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, young enough, old enough....well the list goes on and one, just like that voice. Can it be silenced? Not really but we can provide a platform to the Other Voice. The one we were told from earliest childhood to not pay too much attention to. The voice that tells us we ARE good enough, smart enough and so on. 

Some of our elders were quick to tell us not to get above ourselves, don't be prideful, don't feel like you are special cause no body likes a cocky person. When they should have been supportive they were destructive and as a result...we are in a constant battle with self worth. 

You are loved but refuse to admit that you are worthy of that love."If you really knew the kind of person I really was you would dislike me as much as I dislike me." Sound familiar? I know that voice very well, it plays in my head every waking moment. Most the time I can ignore it but there are times I get triggered and BING! Stinkin thinkin fully engaged. 

I was told once, "you know you are being tested don't you" when I volunteered to do something for someone. Well that did not sit well with the stinkin thinkin at all. It took me ages to feel better about what I do and I had to realize that I am the only person allowed to test me. I know folks are struggling with the voice that works very hard to drag them down. 

We are not alone in this struggle and we are surrounded by people who will do their best to help us win the fight against stinkin thinkin. Trust those whom you know really have your back, keep at arms length those who only want to see you fail and kick to the curb those who are actively working to bring you to failure.


1 comment:

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