Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Christmas is coming!

Well kids it has been way to long since I have logged on and shared thoughts. So much has been going on and I am still trying to get my routine down. Fail for sure (chuckle)

This last month has been full of work, cleaning, last bits of unpacking, house stuff and sewing all the things! I hardly have a moment to turn around and spit (lady like, huh)

So, I am working on a new direction for life and I know lots of folks are doing this too but I am just now getting to the point where I am mentally and emotionally ready to clear space. Space in my mind, space in my work, space in my home and space in my life.

My goal here is to reduce the "stuff" in my life. Once upon a time "stuff" equaled success so the more I had, the better I felt. Well kiddos, that is the slippery slope to hoarding and Momma don't have time for that. Out where I live, wildfires are a constant threat and folks are devastated when they lose a lifetime of memories and the stuff that made them feel warm and comfortable. Treasured mementos  from loved ones. Gifts and cards for lovers, children, grandchildren...all that. Yes, these things bring a smile to the lips and triggers a pleasant thought but, is this what really matters? Stuff?

I spent 3 years of my life working with the elderly and upon their passing I would hear things like, "what are we gonna do with all dad's stuff?" "who wants what, where does it go, I don't want to have to go through all that again." Well kids, it got me to thinking. My own kids are not going to want my stuff. This house full of clothes, books, sewing crap...they are not going to want it cluttering up their life nor will they want to have to sift though all this and figure out what is important and what is trash. I love them too much to lay that burden on them.

My forever Christmas gift to them is going to be a clean residence that they don't have to worry about emptying. Books will be donated because nothing I am interested in is interesting to them. My clothes? Girl, please. Off they go to donations. Kitchen crap, really? Now, I do have some original art that if they don't want it then sell it for what you can and have fun with the money. House? Sell it and have one hell of a great time.

Fun, memories, life experiences, moments of joy...these things are what is important. Not "Stuff". Is your life weighed down by "stuff"? Are you so worried that someone is going to take your stuff that you forget to LIVE in the moment? Do you drag a bunch of crap around because you might "need it" later?

Lighten the load Boo-boo and free yourself from the chains of "stuff". Once you throw off this mortal coil and cross over in to the spirit world it...won't...matter if you had or did not have "stuff". What WILL matter is that you had love, friends, family, adventures, lived life with all the joy and sorrows that makes a life worth living. Travel for goodness sake. Live! Oh how I wish my Mother would do that.

Travel, experience, live, see, do, embrace adventure and revel in all that life has to offer. She worked her ass off to make ends meet, to do the things that she was taught all her life were the things an adult does and must do and now she is retired. Our dad passed years ago so she has nothing but the dogs to keep her home and she hides from life. She has all the freedom in the world to adventure and does she do it?  Does she travel? Does she go see her grand children? Her great-grandchildren? No. She stays home, putters about surrounded by "stuff", doesn't see or want to see what is over the next hill. Someone might take the stuff, move the stuff, the stuff is what brings her happiness. Not interactions with people....stuff.

Give yourself a gift this year...give yourself the freedom to live life to the fullest. Don't just exist. Live. Get rid of the "stuff" that holds you back and Live!

Christmas is coming!