Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween!

Oh my stars :) so many cute kids tonight! We have not had trick or treaters in years so we celebrated by handing out full sized candy bars. They loved it!
Even handed out candy bars to the parents and let me tell you...most of them got all starry eyed and the smile on their faces were even bigger than the kids (chuckle)

Tonight I finished up the burgundy and black herringbone wool tunic for my Finnian and it looks amazing! I used a pattern from a Russ funerary dig and it fits him so very well. I am excited to see the full look put together. I will post a pix later of that for sure. I will be working on some new 16th century Turkish Ladies garb here real soon. I was asked to design and make a full set for an upcoming event in January but no pix till after it is worn. Sorry guys 😊

Thinking back I used to really dislike October. Lots of not so good memories but as time goes by I am replacing them with happy ones. Sitting outside under the moon and stars, listening to the night noises, smelling the faint wisp of woodsmoke in the air. Cool breezes wafting gently by and watching the clouds trail across the moon. Very healing indeed. Tonight the veil between the two worlds is thin and we are closer to our loved ones who have transitioned to the other side. If you listen carefully you can hear them. There is a lot of peace in that and one day I will be speaking to my loved ones in their dreams. Well that got a little deep there huh.

Make pretties my darlins cause every pretty you make will cause a smile and happy hearts somewhere. It feels great to cause a squee or a smile cause someone got a pretty that I made. We need more pretty in this world...and cowbell....always need more cowbell!

Later y'all!


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